Contact Center Pipeline Magazine, December 2023 December 2023 | Page 8


MOLLY CLARK : That ’ s the million-dollar question . The problem is that when you think about the fundamentals of implementation - people , processes , and technology - companies are throwing technology at CX .
The trends associated with AI , cloud , and automation are getting very crowded , and we cannot lose the fundamentals of people , processes , and technology , especially when driven by each brand ’ s business requirements . Overall , I think everyone will use ChatGPT or some type of AI functionality , but it will never replace the agent .
One big area where technology can help is agent turnover because agents will not be required to perform remedial tasks like data entry . Removing these tasks can increase employee satisfaction . Emerging technology can also screen agents , reducing the time and energy traditional staff would typically spend on this critical task .
What ’ s important when you think about the labor costs of ChatGPT and AI in any arena is to ensure businesses are executing the change management pieces alongside coaching and agile maintenance .
There will always be an investment of time , energy , and resources when embracing this type of technology . It is a change that can be disruptive . That is why it is important to view people , processes , and technology as a whole and not just rely on tech to solve everything .
BRENT HOLLAND : Agent Demand . Large Language Models ( LLMs ) can potentially automate some tasks and processes , such as handling routine customer inquiries or providing basic information .
The net impact of automation is that it reduces the need for human agents , especially those who perform repetitive and low-complexity tasks , as reported in a 2022 research article , “ Impact of Industry 4.0 adoption on workload demands in contact centers ,” published in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries .
Agent Turnover . LLMs ’ impact on agent turnover is unclear . These technologies can offset burdensome tasks contributing to agent burnout and turnover , as reported in the article , “ Burnout on contact center : a literature review ,” published in Interdisciplinary Social Studies , allowing agents more time to focus on complex and fulfilling customer interactions .


Parents who have young children and who are working and / or taking classes generally need childcare . Here are Brent Holland ’ s answers to the question : “ Are you seeing any effects of reported childcare unaffordability , fewer spaces , mismatch between locations and where workers live on agent recruitment , turnover , and availability ?”
“ Affordable childcare is vital for contact center agents . When agents cannot find reasonably priced , high-quality care for their children , they are susceptible to higher absenteeism and attrition .
“ Research points to four implications of the cost of childcare .
1 . Limited pool of applicants . High childcare costs discourage some people , particularly parents with young children , from seeking employment in contact centers . The result is a smaller applicant pool , making it more difficult to find qualified candidates .
2 . Attracting and retaining parents . Contact centers may be unable to attract and keep parents due to the high burden of childcare expenses . When childcare expenses consume a large portion of takehome pay ( e . g ., two-thirds or more for lower-paying work , such as in contact centers ), parents may prioritize employment options that allow flexible working arrangements that provide childcare benefits .
3 . Increased attrition . Childcare expenses increase attrition rates . Parents may leave their jobs or seek alternative employment once childcare costs overtake their ability to cover monthly living expenses .
4 . Impact on workforce diversity . Another possible implication of childcare unaffordability is that it may disproportionately affect individuals from lower-income backgrounds , potentially limiting workforce diversity .
“ Contact centers may wish to consider the following four options to reduce the impact of childcare unaffordability .
1 . Childcare support programs . Explore partnerships with local childcare providers or offer subsidies to help alleviate the financial burden of childcare . Access to affordable or on-site childcare could make contact center jobs more attractive to parents .
2 . Flexible work arrangements . Offering flexible work options , such as remote work or flexible scheduling , helps parents balance their responsibilities with childcare needs , making contact center jobs more accessible and appealing .
3 . Employee assistance programs . Implementing employee assistance programs that provide resources and support for childcare-related challenges can moderate workers ’ financial and emotional stress , which could contribute to higher satisfaction and retention .
4 . Collaboration with community organizations . Collaborate with local organizations or government agencies to advocate for affordable childcare options and policies . Supporting childcare affordability initiatives may create a more inclusive environment for working parents .”