Contact Center Pipeline Magazine, December 2023 December 2023 | Page 38

I remember speaking with an agent who was not on my team about her attendance issues . She explained that while she knew it was a concern , her family was approaching their redetermination period for Medicaid coverage .
She wanted her paychecks to meet the Medicaid guidelines . Under Medicaid , a family ' s income , size , and other factors are considered to determine eligibility for coverage . If not , the coverage is terminated .
She mentioned that her contracting agency pays her a higher hourly wage than other call center employees .
However , if she were to request health insurance , her hourly wage would drop by $ 2 . She would no longer be eligible for pay increases . She would need the additional money to care for herself and her family . Understandably , she felt stuck between needing health insurance and extra income .
I suggested she speak with her supervisor and agency about the matter , aware of the potential risk to her employment . Fortunately , she later reported that while her agency did not respond to her request , her supervisor could help her .
On-demand staffing . This method provides businesses with the necessary flexibility and allows them to bring on additional staff or reduce staff when needed quickly . With on-demand staffing , you can ensure that you have the right personnel , who are your employees , for the job .
Benefits of on-demand staffing :
1 . Flexibility regarding staffing needs .
2 . Quickly bring in additional staff or reduce staff when needed .
3 . Fills gaps due to seasonal fluctuations or peak call volumes .
4 . Allows businesses to have the right personnel for the job .
Drawbacks of on-demand staffing :
1 . Finding the right staff at short notice can be challenging .
2 . It can lead to a lack of job security for workers .
3 . There is a potential decrease in the quality of service as staff may not be fully trained ( short orientation training due to an increase in call volume ) or motivated to perform their role .


In a previous project , we only took calls for another state during certain days and hours . However , our ability to assist was limited by our call volume .
When our call volume was low , we could assign up to four or five agents to the other project . It helped the other center significantly since our agents had Medicaid backgrounds and were trained on their systems and procedures . It seemed like a match made in heaven .
However , when our call volume was high , we could not spare any agents , significantly dropping the other project ' s service level agreements ( SLAs ).
Gig working . Freelancers , contractors , or independent businesses who provide services on a short-term , project-by-project basis , usually but not always working remotely .
Benefits of gig working :
1 . With access to a broader range of talent and expertise , businesses can create a more effective , high-quality call center experience for their customers , including faster turnarounds .
2 . Cost-effectiveness , as companies can avoid the costs associated with hiring full-time staff .
3 . Flexibility to respond quickly to customer demands .
4 . Opportunity to find highly-skilled professionals quickly .
5 . Business continuity in other unaffected areas if remote employees are no longer available .
Drawbacks of gig working :
1 . There is a lack of continuity , as the same people may not be available for each project .
2 . Potential for inconsistency in performance as contractors may not be as engaged as permanent employees . They may not be familiar with the company ' s policies and procedures .
3 . Risk of a customer data breach due to lack of background checks and vetting .
4 . Potential to increase overall business costs due to an increase in administrative processes .
5 . Compliance , including regulations and tax matters . Properly classifying gig workers as independent contractors in the U . S . is critical to avoid legal and financial repercussions for companies .
The gig economy has been booming recently . The number of gig workers in call and contact centers appears to have grown exponentially , touting the increased flexibility , chances of higher pay , and convenience that gig work offers . As the gig economy continues to grow and evolve , call and contact centers are becoming attractive for those seeking flexible , on-demand work .