Contact Center Pipeline Magazine, December 2023 December 2023 | Page 14



8 . Improve hiring accuracy . Companies make the wrong hiring decision most of the time . It ’ s a longstanding and challenging problem but is solvable with the right tools , monitors , and partners .
MARK PEREIRA : My final thoughts to ensure call and contact centers have the staff they need include the following .
Competitive compensation :
• Pay agents a competitive wage , considering local norms , and add a 20 % or more premium to attract top talent .
Comprehensive benefits :
• Provide flexible work arrangements , such as WFH or hybrid , aligned with agent preferences .
• Offer holistic wellness benefits to support agents ' physical and mental wellbeing .
• Create opportunities for career growth , including tuition reimbursement and access to learning platforms like Lynda or Udemy .
Ongoing support and communication :
• Regularly check in with agents , especially during their initial year , to demonstrate ongoing support and a commitment to their success .
• Ensure agents have the tools and transparent performance metrics to excel in their roles .
Personalized coaching and recognition :
• Implement personalized coaching programs to offer constructive feedback , fostering agent development .
• Recognize and celebrate agents ' accomplishments to boost morale and motivation .
Continuous training and education :
• Provide comprehensive training on the basics but also soft skills , such as conflict resolution , time management , and accountability , to name a few , and keep educating agents because as they improve , your customer service team and your company improve .
Purpose-driven work :
• Inspire a sense of purpose among agents to maintain their motivation to come to work .
• Acknowledge that competitive pay alone may not ensure long-term retention .
Engagement assessment :
• Conduct engagement surveys , in-person interviews , and observations to gauge agents ' current level of motivation .
• Act on agent feedback to make tangible improvements based on their valuable input .


Fostering camaraderie : • Create opportunities for agents to build camaraderie through team meetings , team-building events , and a chat room for sharing experiences and information .
Promote diversity and inclusion :
• Prioritize diversity and inclusion in the hiring process to foster a more inclusive workplace culture .
• Leverage agents ' diverse experiences and perspectives to bring varied ideas and help agents connect with customers .
Technology and cybersecurity training :
• Consider technology and cybersecurity training . When implementing new technology , ensure that you are trained on every aspect of the technology to train your team on its features . This helps ensure you ' re making the most out of your technological assets .
• Further , since agents work increasingly remotely , use microlearning courses to train staff to protect your company from cyberattacks .
Brendan Read is Editor of Contact Center Pipeline . He has been covering and working in customer service and sales and for contact center companies for most of his career . Brendan has edited and written for leading industry publications and has been an industry analyst . He also has authored and co-authored books on contact center design , customer support , and working from home . Brendan can be reached at brendan @ contactcenterpipeline . com .